March 5, 2007


Posted in life, personal at 1:28 am by Meghan

there is this girl that i know. we’re not friends but i know about her and she most definitely knows about me. we give each other a bad damn time and i’m not sure why, it is just the way it is. i remember the first time i met her; she gave me a smile and greeted me with kindness and curiosity. the second time i saw her she gave me one of those glares, i knew that we weren’t going to get along. she has been nothing but a cold bitch ever since. i sort of understand why she might have something against me but at the same time it is ridiculous. today i heard something about her and it bothers me. it seems to me that she cares more about being the popular/hott girl than caring for other people. When i say “other people” i mean her family. Her family is close or so it seems and i’ve always been quite jealous. i’ve always felt as if i’ve never been good enough her; in all aspects. all last year in high school, i heard that she is the sweetest thing in the whole wide world but from my experience- i beg to differ. i don’t know what and how i feel about this girl. i always wanted for her to at least to like me but i don’t think that has ever been the case. what i heard today made me sad. her pure selfish ways have gotten in her way. i just hope that she realizes how god damn lucky she is. the clock is ticking in front of her eyes and she doesn’t even realize it because she’d rather go out with friends and get drunk and god knows what. it just kills me inside to hear that she’s “acting up” and being so selfish. i would kill to be her; to live in her shoes. I would like to know what it is like; i’ve never liked my life and she seems pretty damn confident. i always thought she was so perfect except, of course, for the way she  treats me with such disrespect but the more i hear about her the less i care for her. i wish her the best and i do hope she realizes that respect can go a long way and being selfish and hanging out with up to no good booze drinking high school girls and boys is just stupid. does she not know that her selfishness is hurting her parents?

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